Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kids, Money and Empathy

So, a couple of weeks ago, I told you all I was doing work as a channel editor at the new site It has been a ton of fun so far, and things are going well. The process is making me look at my own money and household practices more carefully too. It is a great group of people, diverse in age, experience, gender, location, profession. Very cool.

There is a wonderful post up this week from our Kids Channel editor, talking about talking with our kids about money, abundance, lack and empathy. It is pretty awesome. I am struck by the idea that we adults can get so caught up in the circumstances we are facing that we forget to bring our kids along in understanding, and use these teachable moments to come together as families and communities.

Anyway, give the post a read here. It's a pretty personal take on this topic and it is moving and funny. And I love Rya without ever having met her. (I loved this part of the post)

It was when she came back to me some 15 or so minutes later with her arms loaded with toys that she said she was “too big” for, and that she wanted to give to the children who didn't have enough money to have nice toys that I had to choke back some tears. Needless to say, I praised her up and down, took her very carefully selected collection of toys and put them in their own, special bag to take to the Good Will.

Special Kid, special Mom, great chance to bring these lessons into our own families and communities. Kid's know what is going on even if they don't know why or how it effects them and their friends. Not knowing can make things more scary and stressful. Much better to bring our kids into their own understanding (at their level). And maybe we will indeed give the next generation better values than some of the folks who helped get our country in this mess in the first place.