Friday, September 12, 2008

Barack Obama on Letterman Show 10 September 2008

Barack Obama on Letterman Show 10 September 2008

Barack Obama was a guest on David Letterman's show night before last, and I really enjoyed watching the two of them interact. David was profoundly respectful but also drew out a lot of humor from Barack. (Not that this is hard to do.) It was an extra-long segment, cutting in the time of the next guest, Kobe Bryant, who made it clear he did not mind A BIT giving his time to Obama. After Barack left, David commented to Paul about what a smart, smart man he was. He had also made the point during his opening monologue that Sarah Palin was refusing to appear on his show. Subtle, but effective.

All of the interview is now up at YouTube in three segments. I'm copying them in below, for those of you who missed it. Enjoy the future President of the United States.