Saturday, July 5, 2008

Update: Gilly's Writings

We've Updated the Page where You Find the
Links to Gilly's Writings

I am THRILLED with the new updates.

Have spent the middle of the early morning reading. Damn, that Gilliard guy was good. As a writer, as a foreteller of shit to come, and as a human being.

The update went on the page GNB maintains where you can always find every link to Steve's writing we have.

Here is the page: Writings of Steve Gilliard.
(The link is available in the Memoriam box, currently found on the right sidebar.)

Everything below this paragraph is what we added to the existing page. Enjoy. --Jesse

Update: July 5, 2008

Over at DailyKos, sardonyx has tracked down Gilly's DailyKos writings:

dKosopedia maintains the master reference source for DailyKos and Steve.
You may also read some (but not all) of Gilliard's DailyKos comments here.
Here are links to DailyKos pages tagged about Steve.

If you want early Steve, there's Netslaves and there's this.

Again, be certain to read Steve's masterwork, the Colonial Warfare series.

Sardonyx's terrific research at DailyKos is right up there with Steve Baldwin's ongoing research on Steve at Ghost Sites of the Web where Netslaves lives on.

Our thanks to both on a job done well, and their love and appreciation of Gilly.