Monday, June 2, 2008

Sex Change Operations: The Real Reason We're Gonna "Bomb, Bomb Iran"

[The News Blog (Jen and Gilley) had a habit of publishing interesting, amusing, thoughtful, and sometimes indeterminate pieces on the intersexion of politics and sex.  I hope that Gilley likes this one -- Evan]

By now everybody's heard of or seen video of John Sidney McCain paraphrasing The Beach Boys' fantastically popular cover of The Regents' "Barbara Ann".

Or was he?  Is it possible that he was actually quoting Vince Vance and the Valiants "Bomb Iran"?

Who cares?

Anyway, I've uncovered the real reason that the neocons are so concerned about Iran and why turning Iran into a parking lot will be a major foreign policy plank in any future right-wing administrations.

The Secret
Although there are no homosexuals in Iran, there are trannies!  OMG!

Fortunately, the sexually repressive religious regime of Iran viciously represses transsexuals, subjecting them to stoning, prison, torture, and death, right?


Turns out that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the second largest provider of sex change surgery in the world (after Thailand), and that there are officially between 15,000 and 20,000 transsexuals in Iran, although the Guardian alleges up to 150,000 unofficially.

Under current President and leading member of the Axis of Evil, Mahmoud Admadinejad, government support for  transsexual surgery has extended to bribes:
...state support has increased since Mr Ahmadinejad took office in 2005.  His government has begun providing grants of 2,250 for operations and further funding for hormone therapy.  It is also proposing loans of up to 2,750 to allow those undergoing surgery to start their own businesses.

It's obvious that this threat to the American way of life must not stand.  Under a right-thinking administration, Iran will be taken out of the transsexual axis of evil business, and put back into the sexual repression business, just like Afghanistan.