Anniversaries and Birthdays are important, they mark a passage of time, and they signal hope for the future. With this in mind the GNB has a very special announcement. In Honor of Steve and to mark what would have been his 43rd year on this crazy spinning globe of ours, the 4 founders of this corner of the blogosphere are creating the "Steve Gilliard Grant for Political Journalism."
We will award this grant at the NetRoots Nation (formerly YK) Convention. The grant will be 500.00 US Dollars to a blogger who strives for and achieves excellence in journalistic/news blogging. This is our way of honoring Steve and more importantly supporting future Steve's in the making. Blogging is hard work, and good blogging with journalistic integrity, passion and the ferocity to fight the good fight is daunting, difficult, and vitally important to regaining our American Democracy. Folks that are doing it need our support, all of us! And so this is our little way of promoting our own. (good spelling not a prerequisite!) Procedures and qualifications to be announced over the coming weeks.
This Grant will be awarded on the Final day of the NetRoots Nation 2008 Convention. We hope many of you will be there.
Happy Birthday Steve, and here's to all the bloggers out there carrying the torch in his absence.
Hubris Sonic
Jesse Wendel
Lower Manhattanite
Sara Robinson

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Steve Gilliard Grant for Political Journalism
Hubris Sonic 6:13 PM
Labels: Blogging, Journalism, Steve
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