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Intern George Hurt in Motorcycle Accident. World Holds Breath.
Intern George "Fug Girls" Clooney and his girlfriend banged each other on a motorcycle, then were released after playing doctor. An actual hospital was used for the playing doctor. They also used an extra (that's a movie term), who had a stunt car out on the open road, during the kinky motorcycle sex.
Oh, the rich are so not like you and me. *sighs*
(I'm not sure about the puppy. Hopefully he wasn't hurt. Such a nice liddle puppy-dog.)
APWith 428 news articles so far in Google News, it's not like Intern George's playing doctor with his girlfriend is like, you know, world news or anything.
George Clooney and a companion were injured on Friday when their motorcycle collided with a car on a narrow road across the Hudson River from New York City.
Clooney suffered a broken rib and scrapes while his passenger, Sarah Larson, broke her foot in the 3:30 p.m. collision. The two were treated at Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen and released, Clooney's spokesman, Stan Rosenfield, said.
"He's doing fine," Rosenfield said. "He has a broken rib, it's very painful and it'll take a long time to heal."
Clooney and Larson were traveling north and sped up to pass on the right of a 1999 Mazda Millenia that was preparing to make a right turn, said Weehawken police Sgt. Sean Kelly. Both were wearing helmets.
It wasn't known whether the Mazda's driver, whose identity was not immediately released, used a turn signal, Kelly said. The accident was under investigation.
"It's a he-said, she-said right now, but you can't pass on the right in Weehawken or anywhere in Jersey," Kelly said.
Rosenfield said the accident occurred when the vehicle signaled a left-hand turn, but turned right and struck Clooney's motorcycle.
"The car signaled left. George was riding to the right. The driver decided to make an abrupt right turn and clipped George," he said.

Anyway, we just want to say...
We know it's not your fault George. We don't care anyway. Dump her. Dump her and come live with us. She's not right for you George. She distracted you and almost took you away from us. And from Matt. Matt who is in movies with you and who needs you as his friend. We need you too George. We ALL need you.
If you need a place to recover George, a safe place to rest those strong, manly yet sensitive features -- the women (and many, many, really a surprising number of the men) at GNB are right here for you buddy. Seriously; not a problem.
Just... Call us.
You know you don't have to act with me, George. You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything. Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, George? You just put your lips together and... blow.