The special election for the congressional seat for the NY20th is tomorrow, Tuesday 3/31. Our guy is Scott Murphy. Their guy is a real evil, jerk Tedisco. This is a rather conservative area- so Scott is not as left as I like, but he has a good sense of justice and community.
President Obama has endorsed Scott and set out emails to the OFA and DNC lists but we need a bunch of help in this last 24 hours.
If you are in the district, make sure you find your polling place and vote.
If you are not a New Yorker or not in the 20th we still need your help. This race is going to be tight tight tight, it will all be GOTV (get out the vote) so if you have even 10 spare minutes today and tomorrow- use the DCCC's phone banking set up and make some calls. The system is easy to use and with skype etc. you can make calls for free. Give them a hand!

Monday, March 30, 2009
NY's 20th District, The Last Chance Today
The Littlest Gator 5:17 PM
Labels: Change Congress, Congress, NY 20th, Scott Murphy
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