Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hillary on the List for Secretary of State

Talk is coming and going about the cabinet. Both last week and yesterday Hillary's name has come up for Sec. of State. I think she would do a good job in this post, though I was really hoping it would go to Bill Richardson. As an American Abroad I also feel a new face on our foreign relations would be better. The Clintons do come with a HUGE presence that is not always helpful.

CHICAGO (AP) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is among the candidates that President-elect Barack Obama is considering for secretary of state, according to two Democratic officials in close contact with the Obama transition team.

Clinton, the former first lady who pushed Obama hard for the Democratic presidential nomination, was rumored to be a contender for the job last week, but the talk died down as party activists questioned whether she was best-suited to be the nation's top diplomat in an Obama administration.

The talk resumed in Washington and elsewhere Thursday, a day after Obama named several former aides to President Bill Clinton to help run his transition effort.