Friday, July 25, 2008

Netroots Nation Online Information

There will be a lot of people posting up great content from Austin in the next few weeks. I know our own commentor Tokyo Terri did a ton of NN Interviews of regular folks and more famous folks to try to capture the spirit of NN. The Official website is also going to have a searchable list of full videos from the major speeches and panels. Lots to look forward to.

As a starter I liked this little round up from 5 Steps Forward Media.

Overall I think the conference was quite positive. But my sense is the progressive blogosphere is definitely in a state of transition.

At the first Yearly Kos in 06 we were like children, excited by the adventure, not yet sure of our potential or what we were. In 07 we were high off the power and victories we found in the 06 elections. We were confident and this was made even more tangible when all the presidential candidates came to debate and answer our questions. 08 feels to me like a period of transition. The general sense of many of the conversations and panels I participated in was one of; What's Next?

This was a key theme of Van Jones' closing speech, but it was present in so many unofficial discussions and gatherings as well. Our community has grown, will continue to grow. We have new leaders emerging, new ideas and plans. It will be quite exciting to see where this uprising leads to in the next year-- through to our elections in Nov. and on into the new post Bush era.

I am curious and optimistic. You?