Sunday, July 13, 2008

$1,000 To Go, Three Days Left

millyuns of kittehs has no cheezburgurz
LOLCAT Weekly Roundup, courtesy of Maggie Jochild's Meta Watershed.

Help GNB Raise $1,000 in 72 Hours!

Our fundraising drive ends Tuesday at midnight.

You've done wonderfully. We've hit every financial checkpoint we hoped for. I'd planned on doing some nice comments today asking for donations, letting someone else drive Monday, and then closing out Tuesday with a round of very sincere Thank You very much.

All changed Saturday (yesterday): a call mid-day & an email at 9:51 PM Pacific Time. GNB was hit with two huge, unexpected convention expenses, both good news. The first one I can't talk about till Tuesday (it's embargoed.) The second one is OTR (Off The Record.) I can't talk about it in detail at all. I will say I'd given up hope it would happen (which is why it was out of the budget.) Now it is happening, suddenly and without warning, which is fracking WONDERFUL. But expensive.

Here are the numbers.

a) $400.00 -- Story on this Embargoed till Tuesday
b) $350.00 -- Off The Record but VERY good news.
$750.00 -- Unexpected non-budgeted unavoidable expenses.
$250.00 -- Bare minimum we budgeted to raise Sunday through Tuesday.
$1,000.00 -- TOTAL we MUST raise in 72 hours. Er... 70 hours 10 minutes.

You have been AMAZING.


The best ever. People can only do what they can do. I completely get this.

This isn't a trick. It isn't any funny business. It's what happened.

Back on Monday in These Boys Are Sexy I told you we are on a tight budget. We are. Every hundred dollars we don't raise comes out of our own pockets. The Denver budget is painfully tight.

I believe in trusting people with facts and letting them choose:

  • Fact. We just took a hit.
  • Fact. Y'all have donated your ASS off for eleven days.
  • Fact. To make our nut, we now need $1,000.00 by Tuesday midnight.
  • Interpretation: This "breakdown" is really, no shit, good news. It means GNB will be able to give you BETTER, richer, team coverage than we'd expected from Denver.
  • The story's embargoed now -- on Tuesday in my final fundraising post I'll explain precisely how your donations will big-time increase our Denver coverage way past what we thought possible. Red hot exciting!
All I can say now is please... Dig deep. We accept credit cards, checks, and PayPal, and you can also mail us a check or money order.

PayPal or credit card:

Group News Blog
PO Box 809
Bellevue WA 98009

Give what you can: $150, $100, $75, $50, whatever number you know is right.

We have 70 hours and 10 minutes left to raise $1,000.00. It's the way it is.

We ask that you donate. Regardless, know we always love and appreciate you. This is home.

Thank you.

: 12:30 pm/9:30 am ET/PT

$135 so far this morning. You are SO GREAT. Go GNBers GO!

We need to get to at least $3oo today.

Who is next? Who will kick in $75, $50, $25 right now? Or $100? Woo-hoo!

Update: 4:30/1:30 pm ET/PT

We've had TWO people qualify since Minstrel Boy made his book offer.

The first person generously contributed his prize back to the community AND offered to donate yet another book as a fundraising bonus -- which we will probably give away tomorrow.

You've raised $240 so far today. GOOD FOR YOU!
We need to be at least to $300 by day's end. At least.

Who can contribute right now to get us almost a third of the way to Denver?

One reader with $60 would handle today. Or two with $30 each...