Friday, June 13, 2008

Brevity is the Soul of Wit

5 word acceptance speeches at The 2008 Webby Awards.
Here are some of the best, and here are the rest!

"Me, me, me, me, me."
- Stephen Colbert (Webby Person of the Year)

"Mr. DJ, can you play another song?"
- David Byrne (Webby Lifetime Achievement)

"Now we know we can."
- will. i. am (Webby Artist of the Year)

The previous night's Film & Video Awards included five-word acceptance speeches by Lorne Michaels and director Michel Gondry among others.

"Five words is not enough."
- Lorne Michaels (Webby Film & Video Lifetime Achievement)

"Keyboards are full of germs."
- Michel Gondry (Webby Film & Video Person of the Year)