When the history is written, it will be said this is a safer country and more hopeful world because George Bush was president," Cheney said. -- TulsaWorld.comIf you ever doubted whether Dick Cheney was a lunatic, all you have to do is read this statement he made in a speech the other day to Oklahoman Republican's. You would have to be delusional to think this. Even if you remove Iraq from their 'legacy', it's still the reign of the worst administration ever. Couple that, with the fact that they are a complete joke. Cheney shot his friend in the face, his Chief of Staff was tried and convicted of, what amounted to treason. It would be a joke if it weren't for all the dead bodies. A more hopeful world? I think, a 10 minute conversation with a psychiatrist would see Dick sent to the bughouse.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Dick Cheney, Bat Shit Insane
Hubris Sonic 6:17 PM
Labels: Dick Cheney, Mental Problems, Vice President
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