Monday, August 13, 2007

Group News Blog Podcast #1

Back at the News Blog, Steve always made vets feel welcome and he himself could talk about the war and military issues in a way that was lacking elsewhere in the blogosphere. Because of this, quite a few of us found a home on the net to discuss the war. And in doing so we were able to open up discussions with folks who did not know much about the military and what the situation meant but who wanted to learn.

In that spirit the GNB is starting a new Podcast Series called VET's EYE VIEW. In our 1st of a series of 3 we are discussing withdrawal and looking at the current situation and what it means and how we got there. Folks on our podcast are myself, (Hubris Sonic) fellow vet Ceabaird and Terri in Tokyo. Our plan is to continue discussing military and other issues over the coming months. If you have ideas, questions, comments or suggestions please let us know.

Direct Link (mp3): Vets Eye View #1 25:40